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Curriculum and Learning

There is a strategic and planned approach to support the cognitive, emotional, social, physical and spiritual wellbeing of all students. In 2016 IPS focussed its attention on strengthening and re energising its relationship with the Iluka Pre-School.  The redeveloped transition program was successfully presented to the Iluka Preschool Director by the school’s early stage 1 teacher.  A new unit of work was completed in Term 3, an exchange of identified outcomes between the two schools  and an informative ‘expo’ night was implemented to make the transition into ‘big school’ stress free and successful. Preschool students with special needs were also identified early and IPS worked closely with outside agencies and the school counsellor to accommodate individual needs. The senior students also have a similar transition to high school program. Students attend Maclean High School once a term and a meeting is held between the Year 6 and Year 7 High School teachers to discuss student placement. Parents are also invited to attend a meeting at the high school. IPS has identified in the 2015-2017 School Plan, ‘differentiation’ as a strategic direction. All new students have their reading level benchmarks recorded with the Learning and Support Teacher. The (LaST) also provides support for teachers to help and accommodate programs to meet student learning needs.  The LaST has also assisted teachers in developing Personalised Learning Plans using Sentral software. This is combined with regular contact with the classroom teacher and end of semester benchmarking. The PLP’s are collaboratively developed between teachers, LaST and parents. These are discussed in further detail around class meetings that occur at the end of Term 1, 2 and 4. Staff professional learning has been focussed around their Personal Development Plans (PDPs) ensuring for deep sustained learning. Teachers have visited several public schools in the area, collecting, talking and interpreting what would work best for them. The professional learning undertaken has built capacity to change or improve practice. Staff have also initiated peer observations that focus on agreed outcomes. By carefully considering the resources from our RAM, extra time has been provided for the LaST and Student Learning Support Officers to assist students under National Minimum Standards. The literacy and numeracy continuums are also used across ES1, S1 and Stage 2. The continuums inform the teaching and learning cycle. Teachers and the Principal use this data to monitor student growth. The school has created a positive relationship with the  Maclean Community Health agency, whereby a Speech Therapist and Occupational Therapist work with the students to coordinate a social skills program among the Year 1 students. The program sets out clear expectations as to how students should behave and interact with one another and that peer relationships should be caring and respectful.

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